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hit counterQurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. || FAQs ||Features ||MCQs | |TDB | |Arafat | |Tawaf | |Saee | |Umrah | |Quranic Dictionary |
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 0 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Translit: Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
0 Bismithismi
1 AllahiAllahi
2 alrrahmanialrrahmani
3 alrraheemialrrahiymi
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 1 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We sent Noah to his people (as a Messenger, with the instruction): "Warn your people before there comes upon them a painful torment."
Translit: Inna arsalna noohan ila qawmihi an anthir qawmaka min qabli an yatiyahum AAathabun aleemun
0 InnaInna
1 arsalnaarsalna
2 noohannuwhan
3 ila | إِلَىٰ | to, until Combined Particles ila
4 qawmihiqawmihi
5 an | أَنْ | that (with verb in the subj. indicating an action not yet realized, with verb in the perf. indicating that which has happened |conj.| Combined Particles an
6 anthiranthir
7 qawmakaqawmaka
8 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
9 qabli | قَبلَِ | before Combined Particles qabli
10 an | أَنْ | that (with verb in the subj. indicating an action not yet realized, with verb in the perf. indicating that which has happened |conj.| Combined Particles an
11 yatiyahumyatiyahum
12 AAathabun`athabun
13 aleemunaliymun
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 2 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He said, "O my people, I am a plain warner to you.
Translit: Qala ya qawmi innee lakum natheerun mubeenun
0 QalaQala
1 ya | يَا | O, oh |vocative and exclamatory particle| Combined Particles ya
2 qawmiqawmi
3 inneeinniy
4 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
5 natheerunnathiyrun
6 mubeenunmubiynun
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 3 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:(I warn you) that you should worship Allah, and fear Him and obey me.
Translit: Ani oAAbudoo Allaha waittaqoohu waateeAAooni
0 AniAni
1 oAAbudooo`buduw
2 AllahaAllaha
3 waittaqoohuittaquw
4 waateeAAooniatiy`uw
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 4 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Allah will forgive you your sins, and will give you respite till an appointed time. The fact is that when the appointed time of Allah comes, it cannot be deferred. Would that you know it."
Translit: Yaghfir lakum min thunoobikum wayuakhkhirkum ila ajalin musamman inna ajala Allahi itha jaa la yuakhkharu law kuntum taAAlamoona
0 YaghfirYaghfir
1 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
2 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
3 thunoobikumthunuwbikum
4 wayuakhkhirkumyuakhkhirk
5 ila | إِلَىٰ | to, until Combined Particles ila
6 ajalinajalin
7 musammanmusamman
8 inna | إِنَّ | verily Combined Particles inna
9 ajalaajala
10 AllahiAllahi
11 itha | إِذَا | and then, and all of a sudden;|introducing a nominal clause the subject of which may be expressed by ب|, when; if, whenever; whether |conj.| Combined Particles itha
12 jaajaa
13 la | لَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles
14 yuakhkharuyuakhkharu
15 law | لَوْ | if (as a rule, introducing hypothetical conditional clauses) |conj.| Combined Particles
16 kuntum كُنْتُمْ | were Kana Perfectkuntum
17 taAAlamoonata`lamuwna
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 5 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Noah submitted, “O my Lord, I called my people night and day,
Translit: Qala rabbi innee daAAawtu qawmee laylan wanaharan
0 QalaQala
1 rabbirabbi
2 inneeinniy
3 daAAawtuda`awtu
4 qawmeeqawmiy
5 laylan | لَيْلًا | nighttime, night Combined Particles yl
6 wanaharannahar
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 6 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:but my calling has only increased their aversion.
Translit: Falam yazidhum duAAaee illa firaran
0 Falamthalam
1 yazidhumyazidhum
2 duAAaeedu`aiy
3 illa | إِلَّا | unless, if not, except, save Combined Particles illa
4 firaranfiraran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 7 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And whenever I called them that You might pardon them, they thrust their fingers into their ears and covered their faces with their garments, and grew obstinate and showed great arrogance.
Translit: Wainnee kullama daAAawtuhum litaghfira lahum jaAAaloo asabiAAahum fee athanihim waistaghshaw thiyabahum waasarroo waistakbaroo istikbaran
0 wainneeWainniy
1 kullamakullama
2 daAAawtuhumda`awtuhum
3 litaghfirataghfi
4 lahum | لَهُم | for them Combined Particles h
5 jaAAalooja`aluw
6 asabiAAahumasabi`ahum
7 fee | فِي | in; at; on |prep.| Combined Particles fiy
8 athanihimathanihim
9 waistaghshawistaghsh
10 thiyabahumthiyabahum
11 waasarrooasarr
12 waistakbarooistakbar
13 istikbaranistikbaran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 8 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Then I invited them openly
Translit: Thumma innee daAAawtuhum jiharan
0 ThummaThumma
1 inneeinniy
2 daAAawtuhumda`awtuhum
3 jiharanjiharan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 9 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and preached to them in public as well as in private.
Translit: Thumma innee aAAlantu lahum waasrartu lahum israran
0 ThummaThumma
1 inneeinniy
2 aAAlantua`lantu
3 lahum | لَهُم | for them Combined Particles h
4 waasrartuasrar
5 lahum | لَهُم | for them Combined Particles h
6 israranisraran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 10 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:I said, “Seek forgiveness from your Lord: indeed He is All-Forgiving.
Translit: Faqultu istaghfiroo rabbakum innahu kana ghaffaran
0 Faqultuthaqultu
1 istaghfirooistaghfiruw
2 rabbakumrabbakum
3 innahu | إِنَّهُ | verily he Combined Particles innahu
4 kana كَانَا | were Kana Perfectkana
5 ghaffaranghaffaran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 11 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He will send abundant rains for you from heaven,
Translit: Yursili alssamaa AAalaykum midraran
0 YursiliYursili
1 alssamaaalssamaa
2 AAalaykum | عَليْكُمْ | on you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles `alaykum
3 midraranmidraran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 12 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:will help you with wealth and children, will create gardens for you, and provide flowing rivers for you.
Translit: Wayumdidkum biamwalin wabaneena wayajAAal lakum jannatin wayajAAal lakum anharan
0 wayumdidkumWayumdidkum
1 biamwalinbiamwalin
2 wabaneenabaniy
3 wayajAAalyaj`
4 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
5 jannatinjannatin
6 wayajAAalyaj`
7 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
8 anharananharan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 13 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:What is the matter with you that you do not expect for Allah any dignity,
Translit: Ma lakum la tarjoona lillahi waqaran
0 MaMa
1 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
2 la | لَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles
3 tarjoonatarjuwna
4 lillahilla
5 waqaranqar
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 14 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:although He has created you in successive stages?
Translit: Waqad khalaqakum atwaran
0 waqadWaqad
1 khalaqakumkhalaqakum
2 atwaranatwaran
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 15 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Do you not see how Allah has created seven heavens, one above the other
Translit: Alam taraw kayfa khalaqa Allahu sabAAa samawatin tibaqan
0 AlamAlam
1 tarawtaraw
2 kayfa | كَيْفَ | how? how...! |interrogative and exclamatory particle| Combined Particles kayfa
3 khalaqakhalaqa
4 AllahuAllahu
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5 sabAAa | Cardinal Number: sab`a | | seventsab`a
6 samawatinsamawatin
7 tibaqantibaqan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 16 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and made the moon a light in them and the sun a lamp?
Translit: WajaAAala alqamara feehinna nooran wajaAAala alshshamsa sirajan
0 wajaAAalaWaja`ala
1 alqamaraalqamara
2 feehinna | فِيهِنَّ | in them Combined Particles fiyhinna
3 noorannuwran
4 wajaAAalaja`a
5 alshshamsaalshshamsa
6 sirajansirajan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 17 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And Allah has caused you to grow out of the earth in a strange way,
Translit: WaAllahu anbatakum mina alardi nabatan
0 waAllahuWaAllahu
1 anbatakumanbatakum
2 mina | مِنَْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles mina
3 alardialardi
4 nabatannabatan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 18 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:then He will restore you to the same earth, and will raise you up from it suddenly.
Translit: Thumma yuAAeedukum feeha wayukhrijukum ikhrajan
0 ThummaThumma
1 yuAAeedukumyu`iydukum
2 feeha | فِيهَا | in her Combined Particles fiyha
3 wayukhrijukumyukhrijuk
4 ikhrajanikhrajan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 19 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And Allah has spread out the earth as a carpet for you
Translit: WaAllahu jaAAala lakumu alarda bisatan
0 waAllahuWaAllahu
1 jaAAalaja`ala
2 lakumu | لَكُمُْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles ku
3 alardaalarda
4 bisatanbisatan
| | Noah | Pre Ayat ← 20 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Noah preaches | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:that you may walk in its open paths.”
Translit: Litaslukoo minha subulan fijajan
0 Litaslukooshitaslukuw
1 minha | مِنْهَا | from her Combined Particles minha
2 subulansubulan
3 fijajanfijajan